Five High-Magnesium and Vitamin B12 Keto Snacks

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So, you’ve embarked on the journey of the ketogenic diet – a lifestyle that’s all about low-carb, high-fat goodness.

But amidst the sea of avocado and bacon, are you getting enough magnesium and vitamin B12? These two nutrients are essential for various bodily functions, from energy metabolism to nerve health.

Fear not, because I’ve curated a list of five keto-friendly snacks that are not only delicious but also packed with these vital nutrients.

The Importance of Magnesium and Vitamin B12 on Keto

Before we delve into the snacks, let’s understand why magnesium and vitamin B12 are crucial on a ketogenic diet.

Magnesium plays a role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including energy production and muscle function.

Meanwhile, vitamin B12 is essential for red blood cell formation and neurological function, making it vital for those following a low-carb lifestyle.

Almonds: The Magnesium Powerhouse

Almonds are not just crunchy treats; they’re also rich in magnesium, boasting about 76 mg per ounce.

Additionally, they contain healthy fats and protein, making them a perfect keto snack.

Munch on a handful of almonds to curb hunger and boost your magnesium intake.

Salmon Jerky: A B12 Boost

Salmon jerky is not only a convenient snack but also a great source of vitamin B12.

With approximately 4.8 mcg of B12 per 3-ounce serving, it provides a significant portion of your daily requirement.

Plus, it’s high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, making it a wholesome choice for keto enthusiasts.

Avocado Chocolate Mousse: Magnesium-Rich Indulgence

Who said keto snacks couldn’t be indulgent? This creamy avocado chocolate mousse not only satisfies your sweet cravings but also delivers a hefty dose of magnesium.

Avocados are packed with this essential mineral, while cocoa powder adds a rich flavor without the guilt.

Whip up this decadent treat for a magnesium-packed dessert.

Hard-Boiled Eggs: B12 On-The-Go

Hard-boiled eggs are the epitome of convenience when it comes to keto snacking.

Not only are they portable, but they’re also rich in vitamin B12, with about 0.6 mcg per egg.

Keep a few boiled eggs handy for a quick, protein-packed snack that supports your B12 intake on the go.

Spinach and Feta Cheese Roll-Ups: A Magnesium-Fueled Twist

Spinach isn’t just Popeye’s favorite; it’s also a magnesium powerhouse.

Combine it with creamy feta cheese, roll it up, and you’ve got yourself a delicious keto snack.

Spinach offers around 157 mg of magnesium per cooked cup, while feta cheese adds a savory kick.

These roll-ups are not only tasty but also packed with essential nutrients.


Eating a ketogenic diet doesn’t mean compromising on essential nutrients like magnesium and vitamin B12.

With these five high-magnesium and vitamin B12 keto snacks, you can fuel your body while staying true to your low-carb lifestyle.

From almonds to salmon jerky, there’s a delicious option for every craving.


Can I get enough magnesium and vitamin B12 on a keto diet?

Absolutely! By incorporating magnesium-rich foods like almonds and spinach, along with vitamin B12 sources like salmon jerky and eggs, you can meet your daily requirements while following a ketogenic diet.

Are these snacks suitable for vegetarians?

Yes, most of these snacks are vegetarian-friendly. Options like almonds, avocado chocolate mousse, and spinach and feta cheese roll-ups are suitable for vegetarians.

Can I replace salmon jerky with other fish for vitamin B12?

Certainly! While salmon jerky is a convenient option, you can also opt for other fatty fish like tuna or mackerel to boost your vitamin B12 intake.

How often should I incorporate these snacks into my keto diet?

You can enjoy these snacks as part of your regular keto meal plan. Aim to include a variety of high-magnesium and vitamin B12 foods throughout the week to ensure you’re getting a well-rounded nutrient intake.

Are these snacks suitable for people with nut allergies?

If you have a nut allergy, you can opt for alternatives like pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds, which are also rich in magnesium. Additionally, you can explore other sources of vitamin B12 such as dairy products or fortified plant-based foods.

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