At the time that Tarot was first developed, even a talented healer who was not consecrated as a cleric was seen to be working with the devil.
In the early Tarot cards, the border between deceiving the eye with sleight of hand and charging the world with magical will was not well defined.
This was due to the obvious reasons that were present at the time.A sign of the freedom we have in modern times to announce our spiritual politics without fear of retaliation .
Waite's picture of The Magician as the solitary ritualist communing with the spirits of the elements is a representation of this freedom.
The formal arrangement of symbols is a representation of this freedom. In the ancient cards, the magician's actions were never described in such a clear and concise manner.
When it comes to this card, it is beneficial to keep your imagination open.
Create a mental image of yourself bringing into existence something that is one of a kind, guided by the forces of evolution that emerge spontaneously from within your soul.