When it comes to obedience, these dog breeds are unrivaled.

Before welcoming a new dog into your house, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the specifics of each breed.  

Different breeds are known for their distinct personalities, aptitudes, and IQs.  

People with exceptional memory recall or heightened emotional sensitivity stand out from the crowd, while others excel in social relations.  

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Most dog owners, when looking to add a new family member to their home, choose a breed that is well-known for being friendly and easy to teach.  

This large to medium-sized German dog breed is extremely devoted to its masters and has a reputation for being very perceptive and naturally wary of strangers. 

The typical age of these animals is nine to thirteen years old, and they weigh between sixty-six and eighty-eight pounds for males and seventy-one for females.  

German Shepherds need frequent mental and physical activity; they learn basic orders as early as eight weeks old, .

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